sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011

Lenda da Moura Encantada

 Pela primeira vez foi encenada a Lenda da Moura Encantada no castelo de Tavira .Segundo o que Estácio da Veiga publicou no seu Romanceiro do Algarve:

«Eu penso que este romance é allusivo a uma muito arreigada crença, de que na cidadella mourisca da cidade de Tavira, reedificada em 1311 por el-rei D.Diniz, da meia noite da véspera para a madrugada do dia de S. João, apparece sobre o terrado da muralha uma formosa moura, requerendo de amores um cavalleiro que possa quebrar-lhe o encanto»

Daqui a 12 luas então esperaremos novamente o encontro.

3 comentários:

  1. De encantada esta Moura não teve nada. Se fosse um teatrinho de fim de ano de uma escola primária ainda vá que não vá... mas com pretensões profissionais... esteve mesmo muito mal. Creio que a centena e meia de pessoas presentes não discordam. Uma grande desilusão onde ainda por cima o som funcionou mal, a iluminação era quase precária, e metade das pessoas não conseguia sequer ver o que se passava.

  2. A moura encantada

    One can have one’s doubts about to what extent the moura was encantada on the evening of the one (and hopefully only) performance of the Lenda da Moura Encantada, but if she was, her audience easily escaped that fate: the few spectators that were there and could actually see something of what was happening deep down in the mote in front of the walls of the Tavira castle went home more disappointed than enchanted.

    It was indeed difficult to see what was going on, but it was certainly much easier to hear it: the sound system rendered perfectly the lack of diction of the ‘actors’ and their uncomfortable relationship with the microphone. Consonants like the P, the F and the S exploded much better over the PA system on the little square than the fireworks over the Rio Gilão would, more than half an hour later, 15 minutes after the moment that part of the Festas de S.João had been supposed to start.

    Why would the city of Tavira (because this was not an initiative of a local amateur company, but an official event to celebrate the Festas, conceived by some creative spirits within the Tavira Department of Culture) stage something like this? Eventually it is an ode to the town, because in the interpretation of whoever wrote the text, the moura decides to stay in Tavira and as long as she will stay there, the city will prosper. So far so good, but even when one accepts city PR as a good reason to have four horsemen (of the apocalypse?) ride four horses all the way up from the parking space in front of the Casa das Artes to the other side of the river and up to the castle, why should the event be produced in such a clumsy and dilettantish way? A text written by someone who has not the slightest idea of anything theatrical, a ‘play’ that was obviously in search of a director, performed by actors who had been probably selected for their equestrian, but certainly not for their thespian skills... Why, for what purpose?

    Why doesn’t the câmara share the little amount of money it has for arts and culture with the few professional artists in the city? Perhaps they could have turned the Lenda da Moura Encantada into an event that had a certain relevancy, and was also enjoyable and coherent.
